"And do not Forget to do good and to SHARE, with others, for such sacrifices God is pleased." Hebrews 13:16

Support CHFC

Christian Homes for Children is a labor of love to which so many have devoted their lives. At inception, the CHFC program model was unique. We built new private homes for children and foster care families in need, providing direct monetary supplemental support in the form of food, clothing, school supplies as well as social, educational, and spiritual services. Inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ, these services are provided for children from infancy through adulthood. With the help of the Lord and thousands of volunteers, we have been able to remain true to our mission and inspiring "hope" by serving the needs of these families.
Now more than ever, we realize the growing need to help destitute children. Since we are no longer building private homes, we continue the Lord's mission by providing monetary supplemental support to children and families in need. We have established the campaigns listed below specifically geared to meet our annual goals of support. Can the Children count on you?

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CHFC Campaigns